Gemini AI Prompt: Create a dynamic, inspirational, awe-inspiring, and one-of-a-kind image at 21:30. The image should be rendered in 4K resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels) and utilize the following color palette: #000000, #1A1A1A, #2E2E2E, #4C4C4C, #666666, #808080, #999999, #B3B3B3, #CCCCCC, #E6E6E6, #FFFFFF. A vibrant green (#00FF00) should be a prominent feature. Incorporate the following elements in a visually compelling way: #FF5733, #8B0000, #FFFF00, #800080, #696969, #00FF00, #FFFFFF, #007FFF, #0000FF, #8B4513, #FFFF00, #D3D3D3, #FF7F50. The final image should be worthy of an award. Substack AI Image.